Authorpreneur Dashboard – Trisha M Wilson

Trisha M Wilson

From The Flames

Science Fiction & Fantasy

The people of the Fire, the Blesa, led by their Queens, have ruled the Island of Alfeyju and oppressed the Driva, the people of the Ice, for more than sixteen generations. With the Drivian King in hiding, and little hope on the horizon, the Driva look to one person to save them from the vile Blesa: the Diviana. According to legend, the divinely gifted Diviana will one day overthrow the Blesa and restore the Drivian King to his rightful throne. But with the search having lasted for more than four hundred years, will the Diviana ever come to light? Willow is the slave of the Raskpil family. Bought at the age of four, twenty years have passed since her life irrevocably changed. Her existence is no worse than any other slave, but within, Willow wonders if there isn’t something more she should be doing with her life other than serving the ungrateful. Ordered to travel with her master’s family to Sondertoft so her master’s adult children can take part in an ancient rite of passage, Willow is shocked when she learns that she too must participate. Will she fail as all before her have? Will she rise to the challenge and become stronger after passing through the flames?

Book Bubbles from From The Flames

Turning Point

There are many turning points in this book, but this is one of the harder ones for Willow. She's been with her slave family for her entire life and now they are throwing her out. How Willow responds and bounces back from such a betrayal shows her strength of character.

Beginning the Search

Ah...the start of the search. Such a time of confusion and wonder. Will she find what she's looking for? Will someone else? I love that Willow decides to take things slowly because so often in life we rush through things, missing the most important clues.

Starting an Epic Tale

When I started writing this story, I never imagined it would get to the size it became. So how does one start an epic tale? I thought a dream would be appropriate. A dream of things to come to tempt the reader into reading further. A dream which may or may not be accurate...but you can only know if you continue reading.

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