Authorpreneur Dashboard – Trilby Plants

Trilby  Plants

Circles in Time

Science Fiction & Fantasy

When a magic potion goes wrong.... In 10th Century Ireland Siobhan, a Faerie woman, shunned by the fey and humans alike, succumbs to the machinations of an unscrupulous druid. She unleashes a forbidden spell that causes suffering to a thousand years of her descendants.

Book Bubbles from Circles in Time

Actions have Consequences

Since he cannot drive away those who settled the lan, the Druid, Ceallachan, sets in motion a series of actions whose consequences reach beyond his place and time.

Trilby Plants

Siobhan is part faerie, but she is also human. She is shunned by both humans and those of Faerie because, although she is both, she is not one or the other. Siobhan yearns for a community, and yet, knowing what she is, she cannot reach out to people. She is human enough that she does not want to follow the fey ones into their hidden realm. It is her humanity that sets her apart and contributes to her undoing.

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