Authorpreneur Dashboard – Tim Johnson

Tim  Johnson

Bosley Goes to the Beach: A Dual Language Book in French and English

Children's Books

Designed to teach your child French words and phrases while enjoying a beautifully illustrated, wholesome bedtime story. Bosley Bear gathers his toys and goes to the beach to make new friends and learn new words. Discovering that other animals at the beach have interesting capabilities like flying or swimming, Bosley realizes that he has something that makes him special in his own way. The Language Bear’s dual-language books are self-directed learning tools and are specifically designed to help young children better understand foreign words and phrases. The teaching methods used in this book allow children to learn at their own pace and enjoy the learning process. The Benefit of Dual Language Books For children, learning a new language in the context of a story is such a powerful learning tool, because they can use the images, characters and plot to help them remember words and phrases. Even simple foreign words and phrases can give a child a completely new perspective and open their eyes to new ways of seeing the world.

Book Bubbles from Bosley Goes to the Beach: A Dual Language Book in French and English

Waking up to a new day!

The cute, lovable and curious Bosley Bears wakes up and realizes the power and opportunity of each new day. These three simple sentences are inspiring in any language and here, you have the opportunity to teach your child the corresponding sentences in English and French. Useful vocab words "morning" and "window" have been highlighted to help correlate between the two languages.

Bosley Goes to the Beach: A Dual Language Book in Spanish and English

Children's Books

The adorable Bosley Bear goes exploring on the beach and learns lots of new foreign words and phrases while meeting great new friends.

Book Bubbles from Bosley Goes to the Beach: A Dual Language Book in Spanish and English

Bosley arrives at the beach

Bosley's first trip to the beach is a profound experience for him. Just as your child is being exposed to new and strange words, so too is Bosley taking in all the new sights and sounds of this wonderful place.

'Til Death Do Us Part: A story of a lifetime of devotion

Biographies & Memoirs

This true, heart-wrenching love story will enlighten and offer support to those who struggle with the brutality and inevitability of Alzheimer's Disease. Readers will identify with the compassion of one care giver in comparison with the brutality of the disease itself. When I think of who my mother was in her prime, and who she became in the end, it’s like imagining two different people. She too was a graduate from nursing school in 1943. Care giving was natural for her. She came from a large family of seven children who worked hard on their farm to make ends meet. She helped provide for the family and took care of her younger siblings. She enjoyed working in the hospital and felt at ease among the halls of medicine. She never would have wanted her life to become so dependent upon others but unfortunately, her nurturing role was reversed. My father stepped into the role of care giver for 15 years as she helplessly became the unwilling recipient. My greatest hope for today is to spread awareness of the disease and support extensive research for the promise of a cure once and for all.

Book Bubbles from 'Til Death Do Us Part: A story of a lifetime of devotion

Beginner's Guide to Echolocation: Learning to See With Your Ears

Education & Reference

Whether you're blind or sighted, YOU can learn to SEE using SOUND instead of sight. Echolocation is a fundamentally simple skill that many blind people use daily to navigate and understand their environment. This skill is sometimes misunderstood, but it's far more realistic and much easier than you may think. The author demystifies the growing practice of active echolocation in a way that anyone can understand, and gives the reader simple exercises, examples, and lessons as a starting point for launching you into a successful practice of active echolocation. Sound waves - like ripples in a pond - reflect differently off of all objects and surfaces. This makes it possible for the trained ear to distinguish shape, size, distance and material of our surroundings. Musicians will tell you that "reverb" causes each room or surface to have its own unique sound response. With sensitization and applied practice of this skill, it's possible for people with visual impairments all over the world to become increasingly independent, supplementing their existing forms of orientation and mobility with the intrinsic awareness that echolocation can provide. Echolocation requires no special equipment nor any special talent. The human body and mind are truly marvels of nature that grant us with capabilities you may never know you had. If you can hear, you can echolocate. Understanding the simplicity of this skill will allow you to shift your way of thinking to accommodate an expanded awareness of your environment. With this awareness comes independence, confidence, new possibilities and new opportunities.

Book Bubbles from Beginner's Guide to Echolocation: Learning to See With Your Ears

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