Authorpreneur Dashboard – Theresa Snyder

Theresa  Snyder

James & the Dragon

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Do you love dragons? You will find Farloft irresistible. What would you do if you were adopted by a dragon? When ten-year-old orphan James nearly drowns in a bog, he finds himself rescued by Farloft, a centuries old dragon with a glittering collection of treasures and an even richer collection of stories. But, dragons and boys are not meant to live together – or are they? When Laval – a wizard harboring a secret hatred for Farloft finds out about James, he sees his chance for revenge.

Book Bubbles from James & the Dragon

I have always loved dragons!

I have always loved dragons. When my nine year old nephew needed some guidance through a difficult period in his life, I introduced him to Farloft. Farloft is a 1,000 year old dragon with a lot of experience. He became my nephew's teacher without the preaching overtone of a parent or another adult.

We 3

Parenting & Relationships

Are you a Baby Boomer Caregiver? Are you being cared for by your adult children? We 3 is a collection of stories – sometimes touching, sometimes hilarious, always authentic – about a baby boomer caring for her aging parents.

Book Bubbles from We 3

Baby Boomers inheriting their parents.

In 1996, a series of events led me to move my aging parents in with me in order to become their caregiver. It wasn't long before I found there were many of my friends who were finding themselves in the same situation. Over four years I wrote a human interest column for the local newspaper regarding the challenges and rewards of being a caregiver to my parents. This book is a compilation of those articles.

The Helavite War

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Jake is a human mercenary looking for a quiet place to rest, when his Protect Dar-dolf attacks the last living Henu, Arr. Feeling responsible, Jake stays on to care for Arr, as the alien with deep blue cat eyes and unusual abilities recovers. Jake takes on the role of teacher, mentor, father, and lost brother for his new alien friend. They face may challenges as Jake trains his new friend as a mercenary, but ultimately, they must face their toughest foe, the Helavites, a species which has been preying on the weaker beings in the universe for generations. In the underground catacombs of these beetle-like creatures a mystery is solved and the grounds for the resurrection of an old world are laid.

Book Bubbles from The Helavite War

I enjoy character driven stories

I have always loved 'buddy' books and films. Stories where two great friends would sacrifice anything for their best friend. This story was mulling around for years in my brain. When I finally sat down to write it, it grew into a series where I hope readers will find the characters as interesting as I do.

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