Authorpreneur Dashboard – Suzanne McKenna Link

Suzanne  McKenna Link

Saving Toby (Toby & Claudia 1)


Loving someone through their hard fall from grace takes a lot of grit. In school, Toby Faye was a moody kid who sat in the back of class and looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there. Claudia might have forgotten him if it weren't for the two fatal circumstances surrounding his family. In their small town, the Faye name was infamous. An unexpected job offer drops Claudia back into Toby's life, and that of his widowed mother. Older now, Toby is a mass of muscles and unruly hair; a real head-turner. Despite Claudia's attempt to stay away from Toby, his blue-grey eyes expose a need she cannot ignore. Toby's world is a place where sadness lingers and old wounds run deep. Touched by the family's plight, Claudia vows to help Toby and his mother move past the hurt. When a local hate crime is linked to Toby and his friends, doubts are cast. Old friends become enemies. Animosity between Claudia's father and Toby strains the father-daughter relationship. Taking Toby's side means Claudia will be forced to face situations she never imagined. She will have to be tougher than she's ever had to be. Does Claudia have the grit to love Toby through his fall? Saving Toby is the first book of a two-part series that follows the emotional and inspirational tale of a young couple's journey to find themselves.

Book Bubbles from Saving Toby (Toby & Claudia 1)

Toby's Charm

As we learn, Toby Faye has a dark past, but in this sweet scene between Claudia and him, we see a glimpse of the charismatic and funny guy that he is.

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