Authorpreneur Dashboard – Susan Starr

Susan  Starr

Heartful Employment: Motivation for Tough Times


In 3,000 words, the author shares seven powerful techniques to motivate you to find or create the work of your dreams. If you are a jobseeker or a career changer looking for meaningful, heartful work, work that fulfills the longing of your soul as well as filling your bank account, you need to read this. This e-book won’t tell you how to get low-cost healthcare or unemployment benefits or write a résumé or dress for an interview or where to find the money when the bills are coming in thick and fast. What it will do is help you keep your chin up until you find work again (and you will find work again or create it for yourself), and teach you how to believe that in 24 hours, with the right preparation and frame of mind, your life can change dramatically. Believe powerfully, and your powerful beliefs will make it happen.

Book Bubbles from Heartful Employment: Motivation for Tough Times

Wisdom of the Earth

Unemployment comes with an enormous amount of tension. Downtime is not seen as productive in the job search, so it's the first activity to go. Yet when a person is out in nature for at least an hour, studies have shown (and if you try it, you'll see) that your mind clears and begins to make connections you could not see before. The fresh air and beautiful sights relax your body, too. All of this is restorative and will make you more alert on interviews and open to job opportunities from unexpected places you might not have seen before.

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