Authorpreneur Dashboard – Susan Orion

Susan  Orion

Detention Land


Teen genius, Roger R Prism, can’t stay away from trouble. From drawing his teacher naked on the blackboard to sabotaging the school’s science fair, Roger finds himself spending more time in the school’s detention closet than he does at home. Before he knows it, his once “Ivey League” world becomes relegated to a small dark space, where the only human interaction he has is with the voice of a lady who talks to him from behind the wall. The only way to escape is by uncovering a deep dark secret about himself and the lady behind the wall. This is detention land.

Book Bubbles from Detention Land

This is what I look like. Should I be ashamed?

Roger is a pompous teen genius, never shying away from calling a spade a spade, even when it comes to his own shortcomings.

The Art of Dysfunction

Roger's mom, always the neurotic drama queen, has to bring in her dysfunctional marriage into everything. Now here is a family that has dysfunction down to an art :)

Dying at a Funeral

Poor Roger. Maybe he wouldn't have turned out so wicked if he got just a little sympathy. A little sympathy would have been nice.

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