Authorpreneur Dashboard – Stevie Rae Causey

Stevie Rae Causey

Ring of Fire


When they told me that a mystic had killed my parents, it never occurred to me to question them. Living so close to the border is not without risk. Dragons, wizards, harpies, elves-the forest at the edge of our farm has many secrets. Then I met an elf. Well, not so much met as was rescued by one. Now I know the truth, and I can never go back. Change is coming. War is on the horizon. The only question left: Who's side will I stand on?

Book Bubbles from Ring of Fire

Kala's Initiation

Azlyn's brother expresses his disapproval, but is overruled by High Priestess Eoma.

Encounter with Sapphire

Sapphire is one of Kala's first encounters with a mystic race other than Azlyn. Little does she know they share a common thread.

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