Authorpreneur Dashboard – Steve Ryan

Steve  Ryan

Love Poems : Are You the One?


‘’Love Poems: Are You The One?’’ digs deep into the heart of love. These poems and insights are written in a way that most people will relate to. There are many questions that people ask about love. Here are some of those questions. When am I going to find ‘’The One’’? Is the person that I’m with ‘’The One’’? Are we going to work out? How does this person feel about me? What does this person think about me? This book addresses many love situations. It will answer some of the questions that people want answered. Most people have gone through some type of experience involving love. Some people get lucky and find the right person for them and they spend the rest of their lives with that person. Other people are not so lucky and they go through different experiences from falling in love to heartbreak. And after the heartbreak, the famous questions arise, ‘’Will We Reconnect?’’ or ‘’Should I Just Move on?. ‘’Love Poems: Are You The One?’’ addresses those different experiences and cycles that people go through.

Book Bubbles from Love Poems : Are You the One?


Your Cheating Ways reveals that moment when someone realizes that their significant other has cheated. This is the moment that the intuitive gut feeling speaks and says ''Caution Sign.'' Here are the signs, look at me!!

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