Love and family, the two things Dieter wants most are slipping away. His uncle, the man who raised him as a father, is dead. Now his brother can’t wait to bulldoze and sell the family farm. Yet Dieter clutches at the memories of the past, fighting to hold them close. What Dieter doesn’t know is the past can be present and what is dead doesn’t always stay dead. He discovers that Dark Loves wants to live in the light.
Book Bubbles from Dark Love
As I’ve said, my aim in “Dark Love” was to poke a little fun at the whole paranormal/supernatural genre. I thought substituting semen for blood would make for a good twist. After all, wouldn’t the seed of life have more power than blood? It is certainly more fun to come by. I also wanted my main character to believe that magic was absurd and then have that absurdity bitch slap him.
"Dark Love" started out as an attempt to poke a bit of respectful fun at the paranormal romance genre. You know the whole sparkly vampire thing. Then the characters took over and things got a bit more serious. There is still wacky humor and weirdness, that’s just how I tell a story. However, it turned out to be a proper love story, a story about finding your love in the here and now and a story about love that transcends time. It is a story about love wanting to live in the light and be dark no more.
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