Authorpreneur Dashboard – Sky Greene

Sky  Greene

Finding Brynn

Literature & Fiction

FINDING BRYNN is a about finding oneself, looking for love, and the sisterhood support you need along the way. Most of Brynn's friends and family tell her she is crazy to leave everything behind to move 1200 miles from home. She feels like she is being adventurous and wants a change from her boring Midwestern life. The only thing she wishes she could bring with her to Denver is Ned, her boy-toy turned serious boyfriend that her parents know nothing about. Once in Denver, Brynn finds being 'adventurous' isn't as fun or easy as she expected. She's suddenly on the bad side of one of her grad school professors, she's just about out of money, and Mother Nature wreaks havoc on her car. At least she has Kim, her new best friend that she met at school, to talk to about almost anything. Brynn didn't anticipate meeting any guy that intrigues her, but Dave sure peaks her interest. She wants to explore if she is imagining a spark, or if there really is something there. But Ned...the sex with him is too good to just throw away, and they're making the long distance thing work...sort of. Ned? Dave? Is any of this really what she wants? What Brynn thinks is essential in life changes drastically when she gets the call that causes her to get on the first plane home. Only then does Brynn realize what is truly important to her and what she wants in life.

Book Bubbles from Finding Brynn

Waiting by the Phone

I think most of us have done this; called someone and didn't get a hold of them, and then wait by the phone for hours waiting for them to call you back. When it is your boyfriend and you are in a long distance relationship, you don't want to miss that call. Taking the phone with you everywhere, checking to be sure it still has a tone to becomes an obsession. The longing for the phone to ring can soon turn into anger towards the person and can ruin your day if you let it, like it did here for Brynn.

Altitude Sickness

Flatlanders or anyone going from sea level to the mountains, beware! The altitude can get you. This is another real life scenario I incorporated into Brynn's life. It took me almost four months to truly acclimate to the altitude. A little further in the chapter you'll find out how this all turns out for Brynn!

The long distance relationship talk.

Moving away from the person you love is hard. Really hard. Especially when you haven't told them you love them and aren't exactly sure about their feelings for you. Having the talk about having a long distance relationship is just as tricky, difficult, and emotional as a break up talk. I wanted readers to feel that and also like Ned for being supportive of Brynn and not wanting to hold her back.


This excerpt actually happened to me, and it is exactly how I felt. Getting accepted to grad school didn't feel real, nor did looking at apartments. Only when I was about to sign the lease did my decision to move hit me, and it hit me hard! My hand was frozen and my heart raced. This is the biggest leap I have taken in my life.

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