Authorpreneur Dashboard – Sindy Secret

Sindy  Secret

Sindy in Real Life

Biographies & Memoirs

One of my first reviewers said, 'If you enjoy Martina Cole, you're ready to read about this real life. I'm one of those strong independent women who decided I wanted kids but not share their upbringing with their fathers. At 16 I was an uneducated unattractive mess. Nearing 50 I am a great mother to three kids, earning money as a paralegal, but not enough, So, for almost a decade I've also been an escort selling sex and getting into dangerous situations

Book Bubbles from Sindy in Real Life

My introduction to motherhood

This was when I realised that I had moved on from being a woman with a vague notion of wanting kids and giving them a better start in life than I had, to realising five things. Being a mum is a far greater commitment than being a dad. Connor wasn't fatherhood material. Mark mattered more to me than me. I had to make a brother or sister so he wouldn't be a lonely only child. I would need someone else's sperm donation.

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