Authorpreneur Dashboard – Simon Leighton-Porter

Simon  Leighton-Porter

Bomber Boys

Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

Bill Price, journalist and former RAF officer suffers devastating head injuries in a car crash, causing him to experience vivid hallucinations. So when he sees signal flares and shadowy figures while out walking on the disused airfield at Leckonby in Lincolnshire, he believes them to be a product of his own mind. The airfield is to be developed for housing, but work is disrupted by what appears to be paranormal activity. Ghostly airmen are seen and lights appear in the ruined control tower. Bill investigates the story for his newspaper and despite his logic telling him that such things cannot happen, events take a nightmarish turn when he finds himself caught up in the life of a Bomber Command squadron in 1944. In a cruel twist of fate, he realises that not only is the past haunting him, but he is haunting the past, and so begins his desperate struggle to return to the safety of the present day.

Book Bubbles from Bomber Boys

The Nightmare Begins

This bubble gives just the first hint of the terrifying journey awaiting Bill Price. Are the demons in his mind or, contrary to everything he holds to be rational, could they be real? Read on to find out

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