Authorpreneur Dashboard – Simone Diston

Simone  Diston

Date Cafe

Literature & Fiction

Andrew likes to think that he leads a fairly normal everyday life. In spite of his condition he has always tried to maintain good friendships and good relationships. But when it comes to a relationship with a woman, he is not sure. He doesn't know how they will be able to manage with his condition. That is until he meets Alison. Can he understand how he feels and will she accept him for who he really is?

Book Bubbles from Date Cafe

The formation of a friendship

There are elements of myself within this novel. Andrew forms a friendship with someone who also has a passion for writing and writes about people she meets. One of my greatest friends told me when we first met that I was nice to talk to. He was the main inspiration behind this entire story. I was inspired by the ease at which he was able to make friends. So I decided that the formation of this friendship would be as simple as them raising a glass and toasting to it.

The peacefulness of the river

Here's a glimpse of my upcoming novella that will be released as an ebook within two weeks. I used to often like looking out over the river myself and notice how much it changes with the weather. I thought this would be a good way to start the first chapter by giving the reader an idea of how the character looks upon and appreciates such a beauty. He is individualistic.

Conversations and Adventures

Literature & Fiction

what if just a simple conversation with a complete stranger could give you those answers that you seek? What if venturing into unknown terrain and taking an unknown path could help you find the answer? Conversations and Adventures explores this idea through the fictional world of the character. They are all seeking answers. They are all trying to overcome an obstacle to find it. Through a simple conversation and a simple adventure they are able to find it. While the stories are fiction, the obstacle that the character must overcome is very real.

Book Bubbles from Conversations and Adventures


Music is the soul of life for some people. I wanted to create the life of a musician in this short story and how passionately music was as a part of his life. It is his escape from reality and now he faces the challenge of having to create a perfect piece of music. Even musicians face challenges when they are trying to create music. I had a fascination with music at one stage so this is one of the few short stories in this book where the character was a musician.

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