Authorpreneur Dashboard – Sebastian Costard

Sebastian  Costard

Like a Box of Chocolates

Literature & Fiction

"Like a Box of Chocolates" is a collection of 26 short stories. Each story is written around eccentric personalities. A critical review of the tales characterized the collection metaphorically as " … a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get until you bite into one!" For example, the main character in "Obsession" is a hard-charging stockbroker, a flaming obsessive compulsive control freak who is straight out of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. With his sugary charm and movie star good looks he manages to capture Alice, his foil. She is a 30-something accountant who has managed to remain chaste of mind, body, and spirit. In her sweet naïveté the lovely Alice cannot fathom Robert’s depravity. In "Revenge," does Alice really get even or does she come face to face with her own demons? "The Jazz Player" is a pianist whose medium of communication is his music. Rebecca, in "Rebecca and the Professor," is an abused child. "The Traders" explores the divide between Jewish ethnicity and secularism. So many stories to tell and not enough pages.

Book Bubbles from Like a Box of Chocolates


This story is about a 30-ish woman with severe bipolar disorder. She suffers from rocketing highs that render her frenetic and a punishing catatonic lows. She has trouble with interpersonal relationships not unusual in people afflicted like Sophie. Sophie is a fictional amalgam of bipolar characters. I have tried to disassemble her from infancy to adulthood to make her seem real.

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