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Scott  O'Reilly

Socrates in Cyberspace ebook

Religion & Spirituality

Socrates in Cyberspace examines the ontological status of the soul in 21st century. Weaving together science, philosophy, and even a touch of poetry Socrates in Cyberspace explores traditional conceptions of the soul ranging from Pythagoras to Wittgenstein, as well as the quirky world of quantum mechanics and its possible relevance to consciousness. What emerges is an intellectual adventure that is sure to kindle your sense of wonder, stir your imagination, and make you think of life in new ways.

Book Bubbles from Socrates in Cyberspace ebook

The Story of Rusalka

Rusalka is mythic character that haunts the imagination. Her story is tragic, but beautiful. I wanted explore her story from a psychological and philosophical perspective because I believe her tale says so much about the human condition.

Reconciling Science and Religion

Modern day science is permeated by dubious assumptions. The notion that consciousness is a fluke may be one of these. But there is an exciting new cosmological narrative that is taking shape. For instance, the psychologist Zeising argued that nature aims at beauty. This is an astonishing thought. The notion that evolution has an aim or telos is out of fashion with most contemporary scientists, but there is something about beauty that attunes us to the world. Why is this so? The philosopher Schelling believed that beauty was a bridge between consciousness and the cosmos. It is through beauty and wonder that the individual self comes to recognize its identity with a more cosmic Self. My book, "Socrates and Cyberspace," is an attempt to sketching out a perspective that includes the best of science, philosophy, and spirituality. It is book about discovering a more soulful way of looking at ourselves and the world.

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