Authorpreneur Dashboard – Sam Russell

Sam  Russell

A Bed of Brambles (Draymere Hall, #2)


This was never going to be a conventional love story. No bed of roses. Proud, passionate and wilful, Hettie and Alexander are alike in so many ways. That has to be a good thing, doesn’t it? Or it could be a disaster…both carry scars, and old wounds have a habit of causing new hurt. Physical attraction draws them together. Hearts and minds can be thorny, less easy to satisfy. One thing is certain, together or apart their lives will move on. Alexander and Hettie’s clashes of spirit will only be part of the story. Second chances. New beginnings. The opportunity to make things right. Or to make the same mistakes all over again. Unless fate takes the future out of your hands… Praise for Sam Russell “Russell delves into her characters’ minds exposing their innermost thoughts, fears, and desires” “The author's ability to flesh out a character into a believable human being is what sets a great book above the rest” “Sam Russell's beautiful writing draws you right into Draymere alongside Hettie, Alexander the horses and dogs, and keeps you there”

Book Bubbles from A Bed of Brambles (Draymere Hall, #2)


It's awful when you doubt the feelings of the person you're in a relationship with. It can make you feel less significant, somehow less worthy, and if you are someone who already doubts your own worthiness you're more likely to be suspicious of the love offered by others. These doubts aren't always justified. They might be a way of protecting yourself in a vulnerable situation, or the result of earlier experiences in your life. Either way, lack of faith in a relationship can change behaviours and lead to all sorts of troubles which may, or may not, have existed in the first place!


We all make choices, and most of the questions are trivial. We might be deciding what to have for dinner, or whether to buy a new pair of boots. The little dilemmas are easy, it’s the ones that have the power to change our lives (or those of others) that keep us awake at night. How will we ever know if we made the right choice, and what happens if we make the wrong one? In this scene, Hettie’s decision was made months ago when she promised Alexander she would go back to England. But making that choice hasn’t ended her dilemma, she still doesn’t know it’s the right one. The weight of her commitment is making her feel trapped, and we all know what that feels like. She’s trying to cure her doubts with alcohol. That might work, for now, but as far as decisions go, instinct tells me that getting drunk to solve a problem is a poor one.

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