Authorpreneur Dashboard – Samantha Anne

Samantha  Anne



Rachel Sirianni is a twenty-seven year old native New Yorker with dreams of becoming an editor for Equinox Publishing, one of the top imprints in the city. And it seems she’s finally gotten her foot in the door, until one wild morning turns her fast track into an uphill climb. Unable to pay her bills, she takes an unlikely second job to make ends meet and finds herself struggling to maintain two lives—her own, and that of her alter ego. Kirby is a sassy, imaginative, and extroverted fireball whom Rachel had no idea was lying dormant inside of her. Enter Joe, a larger-than-life, brutally hot writer with a heart of gold. Rachel can’t seem to control herself around him, despite the fact that she’s sworn off men until she can get her career back on track. Their backgrounds and interests very nearly run parallel, and the Universe seems to keep pulling the pair together—in every aspect of Rachel’s life. What happens when two worlds collide, particularly where it concerns Joe? The ride of her life may just lead to love—or it could lead back to the drawing board.

Book Bubbles from Kirby

I Love U, Camille: Everyone Needs A 'Bestie'

When I began writing Camille, my first thought was that I needed Rachel to have a friend that would be the 'Samantha' to her 'Carrie'. And this character certainly proves that she is. She's sassy and full of wit, with the worldy wisdom of a woman ten years her senior and, while she's completely 'no nonsense' with Rachel, she definitely exhibits a soft spot for her best friend as well! She's the girlfriend everyone wants around - funny, smart, and completely down to encourage her best friend to continue shooting for the stars despite the fact that the Universe gave Rachel a bit of a tough hand.

Lucy Black, Publishing Queen

While being a secondary character, Lucy became someone that I couldn't help but adore. She's tough as nails and well put together but, if you prove yourself worthy of a shot, exhibits a caring side that is really refreshing, especially in today's 'professional' world. Another little known fact is that this secondary character was a nod to my very 1st book, In Ten Years' Time, which is currently being touched up for re-release.

That Moment When...

That moment when things are going so well that it becomes a 'Murphy's Law' situation: if there is room for anything bad to happen, it will. Rachel was riding so high on her way to her first day of work that it only seemed fitting that the word SPLASH be the next word you saw. If I could play this scene on tv, I think 'Walking on Sunshine' would be the soundtrack, following by the loud scratch of a record needle as the song comes to an abrupt halt. ;)

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