Authorpreneur Dashboard – Ryan Skinnell

Ryan  Skinnell

Faking the News: What Rhetoric Can Teach Us About Donald J. Trump

Politics & Social Sciences

Donald J. Trump’s speaking and tweeting invite passionate reactions—maybe he’s a blue-collar billionaire hero, or maybe he’s an illiterate, unqualified idiot. Whatever you think, there’s no question that he was highly rhetorical. This book is about what made him so persuasive and why it’s important to understand. In Faking the News: What Rhetoric Can Teach Us About Donald J. Trump, eleven prominent rhetoric experts explain how Trump used and still uses language, symbols, and even style to persuade people to follow him. The authors are all rhetoric scholars with Ph.D.s from world famous universities. Drawing on decades of expertise and training, these authors explain what rhetoric is, how Trump uses it, and what rhetoric can tell us about the world we are currently living in.

Book Bubbles from Faking the News: What Rhetoric Can Teach Us About Donald J. Trump

The reason for this book

This line is the basic justification for the book. Rhetoricians study persuasive language and how it works. We have information that people might find useful in the current moment.

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