Authorpreneur Dashboard – Rolf C Margenau

Rolf C Margenau

High Andes

Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

Middle-aged, burned out lawyer in midlife crisis decides to bond with his daughter on a trekking trip across the high mountains of Peru. By accident, he is marked for death by military thugs and communist guerrillas. To elude his pursuers, he and his daughter, Mercy, join forces with a professor of archaeology, local Indians and a guide to traverse a high pass in the mountains and flee to safety. But two sets of villains are on their trail and are closing in. Can they make it?

Book Bubbles from High Andes

Beginning of the battle in the mummy cave

After many tight scrapes and the loss of some of their team, the protagonists decide to kill time before meeting their escape aircraft by exploring a mummy cave. At this point they believe they have eluded their pursuers and are in awe of their discovery - especially Larry Kuitkowski, the archaeology professor. This is an actual cave, which was discovered a decade or so after the Cypher group visits (in 1981). Suddenly a group of soldiers enters the cave, intent on capturing or killing them. So, in the darkness and dust, surrounded by ancient skeletons, the battle begins.

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