Authorpreneur Dashboard – Rodney Eugene Langley

Rodney Eugene Langley

One Man's Journey Through Time

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Professor Winston didn't know he would be famous by that evening. Travel to past and future, and alien world of Evantel the Elder, and Celtic America, and a Mad-man scientist.

Book Bubbles from One Man's Journey Through Time

Dreams of Devices From Someone, Somewhere

Dreams of electronic items and Nuclear, Biological , components which often were incorporated into the Tinkerer's manufactured items, were intrinsic to the designs being produced in Professor Winston's dreams, dreams which came from somewhere, or someone, he did not know. The devices failed to work after being De-constructed to see what made them work, and bits and pieces were dumped at the local landfill, instead of using their dead carcass for further experimentation or re-manufacture, as the parts were considered to be tainted, and may have deleterious effects on "new" items manufactured which were resulting due to his dreams.

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