Authorpreneur Dashboard – Rob Alex

Rob  Alex

Human Vibrators

Religion & Spirituality

Human Vibrators will instruct you on how you can use the vibrations in your body to create a more magical experience for both you and your lover. Vibrations are part of our world everything is vibrating. However those vibrations are not always the in line. This book show you how to line up your vibrations with your partners to create intimate experiences that will transform your lovemaking. Amongst the many techniques we teach you, we will also teach you how to visually send vibrations to your partner from across the room. Once you and your partner master the art of bringing vibration into your romance and intimacy, you can also learn to capture these vibrations to bask in all the energy that comes along with them. Now if that was not enough, we are also including our Mission Date Night Adventure for you. Mission Date Night Adventures are designed to make your date nights sizzle instead of fizzle. I hope you are ready for your relationship to get a jolt of amazing energy, because with this set you and your partner are ready for the ride of your life. This book was taken off iTunes for over 2 years.

Book Bubbles from Human Vibrators

Raise Your Vibration

We all know about vibrations and the power they have. Few however put that energy into your intimate life. This book will show you several techniques to reach this beautiful place.

Trading Panties - MDN

Health, Fitness & Dieting

Sexy Challenges is a fun and exciting time for a couple. Each challenge is designed to challenge you to get out of your comfort zone and get your heart pumping. You know that feeling that you got the first few times you make love. Take each challenge and build your relationship as you do. Once you complete this challenge all you have to wait a week or so for the next challenge to come out. Down load tis issue and get to work building a better relationship. Trading Panties will have you rolling on the floor as you put the fun back into your sex life. Also included in this issue is a special FREE issue of Mission Date Night Adventure for you to try out and have some fun on your next date night.

Book Bubbles from Trading Panties - MDN

Out of Your Comfort Zone

Most couples live in their comfort zone. Sexy Challenges is here to nudge out of that zone and get you to the place where you are use to taking chances with your lover. With trading panties you will be faced with a task that many might balk at. However for the brave ones that forge on their is a connection to each other like no other.

Slow Motion

Health, Fitness & Dieting

Sexy Challenges are sacred and sensual experiences for lovers. Allowing them to connect in a physical and spiritual way. With the believe that sex and intimacy is part of your spiritual path we can relax and enjoy the passion that flows between lovers. Slow Motions allows you to simmer down a bit and enjoy the process leading up to the wild passion that will follow. You can find more great Sexy Challenges for the Nook or you can check out our website at

Book Bubbles from Slow Motion

Slow down and enjoy...

Slow Motion was the top downloaded book on iTune for 3 years. With over 300,000 downloads you have to see what everyone else is finding out. Slowing down our intimacy can lead to some fantastic experiences. Now on Nook you can get Slow Motion and begin slowing things down and making them memorable.

Motivating Yourself The Sexy Way


Motivation is described as the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something. This e-book asks if you are allowing yourself to be motivated in your intimate life. Most people feel or think that sex will just take care of itself. But, how many things in your world just fix themselves? Not many. Sensual Motivation is designed to let you take control of what motivates you in your passionate relationship with your partner. This book gives you the self-adjusting tools to bring power not only to your love life but, to your world as a whole. Most motivational coaches will give you a step-by-step list to reach your outcome. Yet, aren�t they overlooking that you are not like everyone else? Do they really think that one size fits all when it comes to motivation? We, at Sexy Challenges, want to honor your individuality and allow you to personalize your experience. Within Sensual Motivation you will learn how to blend your energy and motivation with your partner. Then, you will find ways to use that energy in all aspects of your life. Instead of us pumping you up with popular music and a bunch of cheesy words, we help you find ways within to motivate yourself. This motivation will come out in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual confidence. Sensual Motivation will allow you to be a more sensual person and experience a fuller life and relationship.

Book Bubbles from Motivating Yourself The Sexy Way

Motivating yourself with Sexual Energy

The reason that motivation doesn't work for most people is because they are expecting someone else to take care of it. The people that are motivated have the energy within them at the current time. Sometimes they just need a little spark to set them on fire...

MDN Trouble On The Hight Seas

Health, Fitness & Dieting

The Mission Date Night Adventures series is a fun and exciting way for couples to spend quality time together. Unlike most normal date nights, Mission Date Night Adventures give you many different tasks to complete during your evening out. You get to combine your date night experience with playing the role of spy while taking on a mission. Each Mission is constructed to throw you into the role of secret agents working together to foil the plot of an evil villain, and along the way you will create a date night that you will not forget. The first adventure released, Trouble On The High Seas, will have you working against Dr. Stagnant and his nautical efforts to keep relationships boring and dull. With your help the Federation of Relationship Bliss (FRB) can show couples all over the world just how fun and exciting date nights can be. Setting sail in this adventure is just the tip of the iceberg. Complete the assignments from the FRB, and you will be rewarded with an exercise to build your relationship as well as an intimate exercise to connect the two of you like never before. This mission, should you choose to accept it, will help keep your relationship from just floating along. It will put you in the driver's seat of a relationship speed boat hurling through the sea of date night excitement.

Book Bubbles from MDN Trouble On The Hight Seas

Fly your relationship flag high

Date nights can become really boring. It is our mission at Mission Date Night to keep you from experiencing this boredom. We offer a way to your break free of traditional date nights, where you just go to eat see a movie then home to sleep. We put action into your date night. Are you ready for a thrilling date night? Then Mission Date Night Adventures are for you!

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