Authorpreneur Dashboard – Richard Brian Botelho

Richard  Brian  Botelho

Reason for Existence

Science Fiction & Fantasy

When David Jordan, an extraterrestrial human in appearance, agrees to help U.N. Secretary General Nicholas Straka resolve an escalating nuclear crisis, he also learns he must defuse a horrifying plot to exterminate humanity by a hostile race of beings who despise human culture. Somehow, he must thwart both crises before a worldwide intervention is launched by his superiors, destroying human innocence in the process. In Reason for Existence, David learns the origins of human conflict, the nature of secret societies, the true meaning of friendship, and the enduring qualities of love.

Book Bubbles from Reason for Existence

The Human Condition

The Prologue of Reason for Existence is an observation by the protagonist David Jordan that humans are capable of the most beautiful acts of kindness and love, but also of terrible maliciousness and pure evil. It sets the tone for his curiosity about the human condition and human duality. Moreover, his fascination with people becomes a quest for understanding, an understanding that will certainly include the lessons of friendship and love.

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