Authorpreneur Dashboard – Rhoda D'Ettore

Rhoda   D'Ettore

Tower of Tears (The McClusky Series Book 1)

Literature & Fiction

Despair. Murder. Betrayal. Mystery. Blackmail. Romance. 1820 - Jane leaves Ireland, bound for Philadelphia and a better life. What she finds is hell on earth. Forced to work in a factory, she is soon assaulted by her supervisor. She is trapped! This is the first installment of The McClusky Series which will follow the family as they assimilate into America.

Book Bubbles from Tower of Tears (The McClusky Series Book 1)

LIfe's Obstacles

Regardless of time periods, man will always have to endure war, famine, disease, love, loss, and societal issues. Although Tower of Tears is set in 1820, it portrays real to life characters with whom today's readers can connect. The family suffers much, yet they stand together. The family may argue, but they do what they must to endure the obstacles set before them. They even kill for each other out of love.

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