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publisher dayna hubenthal

The Second Coming of Curly Red

Literature & Fiction

This candid, compelling, and compassionate novel could have been torn out of today’s newspaper headings. One minute Texan Jimmy Heron is sitting next to his beloved wife of fifty years eating pie, the next minute she is dead in his arms; killed by a racist, woman-hating, semi-automatic gun-toting maniac. Shattered by Lou’s senseless death, Jimmy Heron hits the road – can’t sit still; can’t hardly breathe. He roams the western landscape looking for solace until he lands in the tiny pioneer town of Reliance, Oregon. Here he settles, figuring it is as good a place as any to wait until he dies. With kindness and perseverance, his new neighbors delicately reach into his life. A lesbian couple eagerly awaiting the birth of their first child, a Native American ranch hand, a big-hearted dog, and a small band of generous people gently encourage Jimmy to deal with loss and death and love. All of this happens against a backdrop of a vicious hate campaign with Jimmy's new friends as the targets. Fueled by lies and couched as "family values", the hatred begins to poison the soul of their little community. The Second Coming of Curly Red will grab you by the heart and not let go.

Book Bubbles from The Second Coming of Curly Red

How Jody Decided to Write This Book

On Oct. 16, 1991, a deranged gunman blasted his Ford truck through the front window of a Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas, grabbed his guns, got out of his truck, and proceeded to murder 26 people and wound 27 more before he was finally killed himself by state troopers. A few months later, I was sharing a meal with friends in the front window of a Luby's Cafeteria in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We began talking about that awful massacre in Killeen and I wondered - out loud - WHAT WOULD IT BE LIKE IF YOU TOOK THE LIFE OF JUST ONE PERSON WHOSE WHOLE EXISTENCE WAS SHATTERED BY THAT INSANITY AND JUST TRACED IT OUT? What showed up was a wonderful man named Jimmy Heron who loses his wife of 50 years on that terrible day of carnage and the story took off from there. That was the Genesis for THE SECOND COMING OF CURLY RED, just that simple question. - JS

Wolf In My Pocket

Literature & Fiction

Children of all ages (8 to 88) will enjoy this short gothic adventure. Good little girl Anka is called “uppity” and “naughty” because her spirit is larger than the rules around her. The day finally dawns when Anka is “bold” one too many times and she is cast out of the village. The gate slams shut behind her. Afraid and alone and with no lantern to guide her way, Anka takes one step into the forest. Thus begins her journey to find her sacred self. This modern day, old-fashioned fairy tale is a quest of self discovery and redemption taken by one brave little girl hero.

Book Bubbles from Wolf In My Pocket

Life is not fair

Life is wonderful and full of possibilities, but it is also not fair. No one ever promised "fair" as you strove towards life. Sometimes bad things happen to children - nothing of their doing - no fault of their own. So how does a child cope with responsibilities way beyond their abilities or knowledge? This is one of the reasons I ache for children so much. All children are heroic. To survive is heroic. Children have to face terrible moments - real or imagined, and they don't know the difference. And they haven't developed the tools yet to deal with ghastly events. Children trying to cope with realities beyond their capabilities is at the heart of all my stories. This story is not different. It begins with a terrible moment. - written by the author, Jaki Fey; presented by the publisher

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