Authorpreneur Dashboard – Prissy Elrod

Prissy  Elrod

Chasing Ordinary

Biographies & Memoirs

In Prissy Elrod’s memoir, Far Outside the Ordinary, she tells of the year she fought to save her husband, Boone, from a terminal disease, and the two unlikely and unconventional aides who moved in and became part of her once, ordinary family. Her long, awaited sequel, Chasing Ordinary, picks up a full year after Boone’s death when Dale, her college sweetheart, appears back in her life and she learns he is still in love with her. But nothing is ever that simple. Through her attempts to build a new life for herself and fight through her trauma from Boone’s last year, Chasing Ordinary tells a story of one chapter ending and another beginning, as well as second chances—at love, at finding yourself, and the importance of not closing doors, but having the courage to step through them.

Book Bubbles from Chasing Ordinary

You hold the key to your own happiness!

The caterpillar dies so the butterfly could be born. And, yet, the caterpillar lives in the butterfly and they are but one. ~~Unknown Many call me the 'butterfly girl' based on my story and bookcovers. They also call me an accidental author, and that's okay with me. I believe everyone has some untapped potential within. Everyone has something they long to do, or be, or maybe create. Yet they sacrifice this discovery by sabotaging themselves with self-doubt. "I'm too old, no time, no talent." In the words of C. S. Lewis... Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny. He was right....this happened to me.

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