Authorpreneur Dashboard – Pharice Brown

Pharice  Brown

You’re a Bad Wife


It's all about new techniques -- simplifying old techniques, and consolidating steps. Making things go faster, but not worse. -Martha Stewart There are many women in the world that believe it is unprogressive, some going as far to say that it’s downright insensitive to say that women belong in the home, but that isn’t what I’m saying at all. I’m simply saying that in most cases for women, there is a desire to not just maintain the home, but watch after the children. Whether it be maternal instinct or social conditioning is a debate for another day, but it’s something that is definitely ingrained in the hearts and minds of women everywhere. The painful truth of feminism is that women in most cases at least have the ambition toward being a mother and an astute wife.

Book Bubbles from You’re a Bad Wife

Is a clean house REALLY that important?

Cleaning the house seems to be a simple yet daunting task and strange as it may sound some men do care how a lady keeps the home. Her home or their home, men like to see a clean place to dirty up. But really. There have been many male clients that have told me that he is not going to marry her until she does better in the area of housekeeping. Now because not many have gone into why there have been some that have mentioned how upset their mother was when she came over and saw the house in a condition that though to be less than acceptable. Does a mother or mother-in-law have that much control at their son's home? Is getting married worth learning to "keep" a home?

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