Authorpreneur Dashboard – Peta Jane Kayes

Peta  Jane  Kayes

Trust Building In Relationships & Resolving Trust Issues

Parenting & Relationships

If your intimate relationship is going to be an extra-ordinary one, you have to be prepared to go beyond the ordinary; you have to learn to trust fully. Trust is one area of our relationship where we seem to have so many challenges. The problem is you can’t treat trust in an intimate relationship the way you treat it in other relationships. What is trust really? What is trust really about? Why is trust so important in an intimate relationship? Here is the bottom-line on trust in an intimate relationship – it is first and foremost about comfort. Comfort that removes inhibitions, that makes it desirable to give fully, comfort that allows you to appreciate more, comfort to let you be your best in your relationship. That is the kind of trust and the only kind that is viable in an intimate relationship; that is the kind of trust you should want in your relationship. That is the kind of trust I want to speak to you about in this book.

Book Bubbles from Trust Building In Relationships & Resolving Trust Issues

You Want Trust? - Then Bring It

The big mistake most of us make about building trust in a relationship is that it is substantively based on good character and morals. Of course a significant amount of trust is based on those two things. But, in an intimate relationship trust goes much farther than normal fidelity. Trust is about comfort. How do you get completely comfortable to share completely, with no inhibitions, with no holding back so that you too can experience the joy of what you have to give? You have to go beyond character and morals to get there because as important as these are to building trust, they are not enough in an intimate extraordinary relationship.

Relationship Advice For Women & The Men Who Love Them

Parenting & Relationships

You can absolutely have the invigorating relationship you desire and this book shares 6 principles for getting you there. How would you describe your relationship today –troubled, mundane, ordinary, or extraordinary? Have you fallen for the conventional wisdom stuff about relationships that are making your relationship experience troubling, mundane or just ordinary? Intimate relationships are supposed to be nothing but extraordinary and exceptional and if yours is not, you should want more, and much more. By the end of this book, not only will your relationship start to experience the extraordinary, you will know that you can indeed have the best relationship you are capable of.

Book Bubbles from Relationship Advice For Women & The Men Who Love Them

What’s Behind Your Relationship Problems & Relationship Issues?

Parenting & Relationships

Your highest level of satisfaction within your relationship will happen when and only when you feel completely free to give of your very best in that relationship. Your highest satisfaction level does not necessarily depend completely on how well you are being treated in your relationship; your satisfaction level will depend on how well you and your partner create the environment that allows both of you to give of your very best to each other. For even if your partner is extremely nice to you, treats you like royalty, and does all the things you expect of him or her, in the end your level of satisfaction is going to be subject to how deserving you feel for all of this treatment. How deserving can you feel if you yourself are not giving of your best, and your partner is? Book 1 of the Bikini Relationship Rescue series digs deep into the mindsets that end us causing us all sorts of relationship issues and shows us how to get out of them.

Book Bubbles from What’s Behind Your Relationship Problems & Relationship Issues?

Identifying What's Behind Your Relationship Issues

Relationship issues are not by themselves issues. We think they are, but only because that is only what we are capable of seeing them most of the time. The real "issues" are most likely something else from what we are seeing. Once these real issues can be identified, it really becomes much easier to deal with the problems they cause. And we would be surprised at what these issues are.

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