Authorpreneur Dashboard – Pen W

Pen  W

Nero's Fiddle

Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

Every day millions of people use their cars, cell phones, and computers. They commute to work by bus or train. Hospitals run efficiently. Food is delivered round the clock. Imagine all of that . . . gone. June 23, 2017: The United States is crippled by an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack, leaving every citizen in the dark, helpless and alone. It will happen again. Every thirty days another country will be attacked until the entire world is plunged into darkness. Captain Beverly Mossberg is assigned the task of reaching Washington, DC to assassinate the terrorist before he strikes again. She doesn’t count on being accompanied by her two children, Michael, age 9 and Jazmine, age 12. Not to mention Sedona Armstrong, a complete stranger, is determined to join the party. They traverse a now lawless land, scrounging for food and water, blowing up propane gas tanks, narrowly avoiding being raped and being held prisoners in a cannibal commune – a possible side-effect of massive disaster-related incidents. Upon arriving in DC, Bev learns that she has been misled – again. Only this time, she has the weight of saving the world on her shoulders.

Book Bubbles from Nero's Fiddle

Sense of Humor in Desperate Times

Even in the most desperate of times, people will maintain a sense of humor. Humor is one of our best defense mechanisms for coping with fear and despair. Scavenging for food and water along the way, Jaz’s pre-teen angst attitude doesn’t help matters. She is angry with Bev for withholding information about her life as well as information about Jaz’s father. In Chapter 39 of Nero’s Fiddle, our little band of Bev, Sedona, Jaz and Michael continue making their way to DC despite insurmountable odds. One of the odds they didn't foresee encountering is a hungry black bear.

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