Authorpreneur Dashboard – Paul Read

Paul  Read

This is Tai Chi: 50 Essential Questions and Answers

Health, Fitness & Dieting

* What is Tai Chi and why is it taught as a Martial Art by some and as a Health Art or Way of Life by others? * What are the origins of the art and why are there different styles? * What is the "Form" and how long does it take to learn? These are a few of the 50 simple, but important questions that are answered in this fascinating book full of anecdotes, facts and humour, that will help you to not only understand this ancient and noble art, but more importantly enable you to choose the class of Tai Chi that is right for you.

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The Different Styles

Many people get caught up when learning Tai Chi in the debate about which style is best to learn. The answer all depends on you. Once you know a little about the different styles you can choose what will be most appropriate for you. There is no better style, no better class, no better teacher. Everything comes back to you and what you are looking for.

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