Authorpreneur Dashboard – Paul Christopher

Paul  Christopher

Vitamin Deficiency: Stop Killing Yourself

Health, Fitness & Dieting

Vitamin deficiency has become one of the biggest banes of this ever growing society. The worst part about vitamin deficiency is the fact that people fail to understand the importance of vitamins and physicians fail to convey to them the necessity of having balanced vitamins in their system. Vitamins form the backbone of existence for humans, and they play an integral role in a person’s health and well-being. Paul Christopher, after understanding the dilemma in great detail has written this perfect piece. Vitamin Deficiency- Stop Killing Yourself to help people understand what harm they can be causing themselves by underestimating the potency of vitamin deficiency in their bodies.

Book Bubbles from Vitamin Deficiency: Stop Killing Yourself

You are what you eat

Most of us would’ve heard the phrase “you are what you eat," but how many do actually understand the depth of this statement and take it very seriously? Hardly 25% of the population understands the implications of vitamin deficiency and even less people do something about it before they fall prey to the irreversible damage of these deficiencies. This eBook will enable you to understand and safeguard their health in the best way possible. The eBook explains in easy language what it is to have special kinds of vitamin deficiencies and how they can best be overcome; how can malnutrition effect a person, not only the ones who starve due to shortage of food but also those who suffer from vitamin deficiencies even after taking three complete meals in a day. The eBook has all necessary steps to safeguard one’s health in this chaotic life and how to maintain the much-needed balance of vitamins for a healthier living.

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