Authorpreneur Dashboard – Pam Funke

Pam  Funke

Through the Eyes of a Child

Children's Books

God created the heavens and the earth. He created all of the plants, animals and birds of the air. He created man. When God was finished He looked at all that He had created and saw that it was good. Come see the world through the curious eyes of a child.

Book Bubbles from Through the Eyes of a Child


Delilah is a very unique individual who lacks self-esteem. This story focuses on the fact that God loves us just as we are.

Sodom: A Nation On Its Knees

Christian Books & Bibles

3,902 years ago, there was a city so evil, corrupt and filled with sin that God saw no other choice, but to completely destroy it. The city of Sodom was completely destroyed by a rain of fire in a single day. The great nation of the United States of America, a nation founded and built on God, has since turned its back on God. The people have allowed the government to remove Him from our schools, our jobs and are trying to remove Him from our churches. Many have chosen to remove Him even from their homes. Why is this happening to us they ask as they helplessly watch the nation's wickedness increase? How much longer will God allow us to continue in our sinful ways? Will He destroy us as He did Sodom? God said that if His angels can find 5,000 righteous in our nation that He will spare us. When His angels walk our nation will they find even one righteous? Will there be enough righteous found to spare our great nation?

Book Bubbles from Sodom: A Nation On Its Knees

An Incredible Little Girl

It is hard to imagine that such a beautiful day can end up to be so chaotic. The bravery of a child so young is incredible. It is hard to fathom what must be going through this little girl's head as she walks through a horror zone in search of help. You've got to applaud Samantha for placing the needs of others before herself.

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