Authorpreneur Dashboard – Oya Thomas

Oya  Thomas

The 5 Star Points for Success


The 5 Star Points for Success: Manifest Your Dreams, Live Your Life’s Purpose is a practical guide compiled by singer/songwriter, actress and spiritual mentor Oya Thomas, M.A. (Spiritual Psychology) that outlines her own “5 Star Points for Success” system designed to help anyone with a creative dream build a rock-solid foundation for living an exceptional life grounded in the five core components of self: MIND; BODY; SPIRIT; EMOTIONS, and ENVIRONMENT. Through this book, Oya encourages one and all to unlock their creative minds, take pure delight in every day and connect with their authentic selves so they can lead fulfilling lives totally energized by their wildest dreams!

Book Bubbles from The 5 Star Points for Success

Money Money Money

What is the importance of money to you? How do you view money? Does having a lot of money make you successful? I wrote a chapter on money in my new book because money seems to be one of the number one blocks for creative artist ---BUT IS IT? Is money a block or how you think and deal with money the block? We must revamp our money mindset so that wonderful things can begin to happen!

"The 5 Star Points for Success" system

I am so thrilled to be sharing this system. It is the best feeling in the world to really connect to my spirit and live my life purpose. When I am on stage singing or speaking I know that is what I was born to do. I am excited to share this system because it has worked for me and the some really beautiful people that I have been so blessed to worked with. I am so happy that they are shining bright and living their dreams. Sometimes all we need is a little support and I hope this book sparks you to shine your light super duper bright in this world.

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