Authorpreneur Dashboard – Nick Wall

Nick  Wall
 Around the World in 575 Songs : Traditional Music from all the World's Countries Volume 2:Africa

Around the World in 575 Songs : Traditional Music from all the World's Countries Volume 2:Africa


Nick Wall has spent over four years gathering traditional music from every country in the world, from Kazakhstan to Kiribati, researching the life and culture of these countries, then weaving the music in with information, stories, and reflections about each country. Around the World in 575 Songs: Traditional Music from all the World’s Countries is a festival of cultures in four volumes; a breathtaking array of hundreds of different musical styles and musical instruments from around the world. Many of the songs featured have individual stories attached to them, which enhances their meaning. In this cultural series, traditional music is revived to both venerate the past, and to tell us more about who we are now, in the present.

Book Bubbles from Around the World in 575 Songs : Traditional Music from all the World's Countries Volume 2:Africa

Where are the Africans ?

On of the premises of the book is that a vital key to understanding a people is to understand their culture. This was never more true than in the case of Ethiopia.

Around the world in 575 songs: Traditional music from all the world’s countries  Vol 3: Asia & Oceania

Around the world in 575 songs: Traditional music from all the world’s countries Vol 3: Asia & Oceania


Nick Wall has spent over four years gathering traditional music from every country in the world, from Kazakhstan to Kiribati, researching the life and culture of these countries, then weaving the music in with information, stories, and reflections about each country. Around the World in 575 Songs: Traditional Music from all the World’s Countries is a festival of cultures in four volumes; a breathtaking array of hundreds of different musical styles and musical instruments from around the world. Many of the songs featured have individual stories attached to them, which enhances their meaning. In this cultural series, traditional music is revived to both venerate the past, and to tell us more about who we are now, in the present.

Book Bubbles from Around the world in 575 songs: Traditional music from all the world’s countries Vol 3: Asia & Oceania

Bikini Atoll : a man-made disaster

This is not just a book about music. I was looking for ways to understand better the cultures that I was encountering, and to tell stories that deserved telling. This was one such story.

Kazakh stories

What interested me about the Singing Tubes was this : there's many a sculptor can make a musical monument that's laden with emotion, but it's much rarer to find one that's so impregnated with symbolism and meaning.

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