Authorpreneur Dashboard – Nathan Lapointe

Nathan  Lapointe

A Strange New World

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Twenty people are snatched from their daily lives and find themselves on a different world. Where are they? How did they get here? Most importantly, who or what brought them here? These questions pale in comparison with the challenge of struggling to survive in the beautiful and dangerous wilderness. Somehow, they must find a way to work together as the stress and anxiety of being suddenly ripped away from their friends and family grow by the day. Will they ever be rescued, or find their own way home? Will they even survive to see the next sunrise? A Strange New World is a story about the human will to survive despite all the odds, about the instinct to build a new life even as they hope and pray for a return to the one they left behind. It's a story of hope and tragedy, life and death, and, above all, courage and resilience in the face of overwhelming odds.

Book Bubbles from A Strange New World

Excerpt from Chapter One

"A Strange New World" starts off on a positive, happy note as we join Keira, one of the point of view characters I've written the book through, wake up. Keira was a fun character to write as she notices a lot about the outside world and takes time to 'smell the roses', as the expression goes. Read more of "A Strange New World" to experience Keira's reaction to the exciting events of the book!

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