Authorpreneur Dashboard – Monica Millard

Monica  Millard

Children of the Gods - A Chosen Novel


For as long as seventeen-year-old Reka Cushing can remember, she has watched her friends and her neighbors be stolen, their bodies used as hosts for the Halorans; an alien race that has come to earth posing as gods. For just as long, Reka has lived in fear of drawing the eye of a Haloran, keeping her head down, hoping not to be caught in their sights. The only time she has ever been bold, tried to get what she wanted, a god, one more powerful, more dangerous than all others is watching.

Book Bubbles from Children of the Gods - A Chosen Novel

Without A fight?

I often get asked how much of me is in my characters. Typically I would say that they are their own characters, but you can't escape part of who you are showing up in your stories and your characters. This scene probably has a bit more of me than any of the rest. I can be a bit fiery, especially when pushed like Reka is by the Sari. Anger can be a great motivator and this isn't the only scene that sudden and decisive action is prompted by Reka's outrage.


The bonfire scene that follows this was the initial scene that sparked the entire book. It was clear the gathering was being done in secret. It made we wonder why these people were out risking getting caught just to dance. Also, it made me wonder why dancing would be forbidden. Those questions spawned the whole story.

Chosen - A Children of the Gods Short Story


A short story from the Children of the Gods series

Book Bubbles from Chosen - A Children of the Gods Short Story

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