Authorpreneur Dashboard – Mitch D Smith

Mitch D Smith



In Junk, Mitch cuts a path through the clutter and shows us how to clean up-and throw out-the junk that's holding us back." -Dave Ramsey. Junk brings truth, humor and reality to the idea that in order to get the most out of life and achieve success, we must begin by removing the junk in our lives. What is junk? Anything that inhibits our ability to become the person we were created to be. From two real life personal stories, woven into research and a personal perspective, Mitch D. Smith enables you to see how eliminating junk in our lives brings clarity, freedom and happiness.

Book Bubbles from JUNK

It's what Dave Ramsey said

"Mitch Smith cuts a path through the clutter and shows us how to clean up-and throw out- the junk that is holding us back." -Dave Ramsey. Junk has been read by many and many have heard the personal story associated with Junk. So what is junk? I can't tell you what your junk is, but I promise that if you were honest with yourself, you'd be able to identify. Yes, we all have it, but it resides in many forms. In Junk, there are 16 chapters dealing with the many different aspects of things we don't need in our lives, and we'd be better without it. I merely point out many aspects of Junk and tell you how I dealt with it and gained freedom. - Mitch D. Smith

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