Authorpreneur Dashboard – Mike Ducheine

Mike  Ducheine

The OBAMA Legacy

Politics & Social Sciences

Obama’s presidency has suffered the fiercest opposition any administration has had and yet Mr. Obama has managed to lead the country to financial recovery, end the senseless war in Iraq, implement universal health-care, put an end to Iran’s nu-clear ambitions and re-open diplomatic relations with Cuba all the while remake US standing in the world. But his Republican opponents believe he is the worst president the country has had. This book outlines the major accomplishments of his presidency.

Book Bubbles from The OBAMA Legacy


Has the synopsis captured Obama's presidency or does it seem a bit partisan?

The Man To Restore America

Politics & Social Sciences

Donald Trump's ascension to the presidency has defied every norm and redefined political analysis, making the man the most controversial president in the history of the country. And yet, Donald Trump typifies the character of most common men. The book recounts his journey to become president and brings you along to follow him in the journey to Make America Great Again

Book Bubbles from The Man To Restore America

Donald Trump's Record

Mr. Trump has a track record of proving everyone wrong. Will he manage to do so again as president?

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