Authorpreneur Dashboard – Michael John Kerwood

Michael John Kerwood

Party Peece

Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

Six people arrive at a hotel on Saturday midday to attend a special birthday celebration on the evening. Four of them go home on Sunday morning… two of them don’t. They appear to vanish. They do not check out, their belongings are left in their room and their vehicle is still parked in the grounds. The room is closed off for several days as police endeavour to discover their fate. Their trail will take them down several pathways, avenues and cul-de-sacs before the truth is known, a truth that is beyond sane acceptance.

Book Bubbles from Party Peece

Party Peece

Six people arrive at a hotel on Saturday midday to attend a special birthday celebration on the evening. Four of them go home on Sunday morning… two of them don’t. They appear to vanish. They do not check out, their belongings are left in their room and their vehicle is still parked in the grounds. The room is closed off for several days as police endeavour to discover their fate. Their trail will take them down several pathways, avenues and cul-de-sacs before the truth is known, a truth that is beyond sane acceptance.

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