Authorpreneur Dashboard – Michael J Brown

Michael J Brown


Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

What happens when family ties become deadly bonds …?

Innocence slaughtered. Visions of unbearable agony. Can Jake summons his psychic powers to free himself and countless children from becoming evil’s next victim?

Moving to Providence for his freshman year at university is scary enough, but add sudden visions of burning children, and Jake wishes he had never left New Orleans. Luckily, he has Rhode Island relatives, but when he reaches out to the Vaughns, the psychic attacks intensify.

Eager to protect her godson, a family friend ventures from New Orleans to mentor Jake in the occult arts, leading him to discover the dark truth about the Vaughn’s wealth.

An unwitting accomplice and beneficiary, can Jake prevent his twisted relatives from carrying out their most diabolical plot?

Dare to descend into the depths of psychic horror.

Defiled was previously published and reviewed as The Consecration of Jacob Jordaens

Book Bubbles from Defiled

Generations of Evil

The evil of the Vaughn's is rooted in a madness , inherited generation after generation, and hidden from prosecution and analysis by Vaughn wealth. How Nick is related to this tainted seed, is a key mystery of Defiled. Michael

Moira Connery: The Witch Who is the Moral Center

On a trip to New Orleans, pre-Katrina, in the early 2000's, I went to the Museum of Voodoo. I looked around and standing off to the side was the docent of the museum, who motioned that she wanted to talk to me. She said she thought it would be interesting if she did my horoscope. She did and it was incredibly insightful and predictive of how my life would turn out. This docent is the model for Moira Connery.

Why Providence for a Paranormal Thriller?

There are those who believe that there are special places on Earth where many energies coalesce: sort of how ganglia are the hubs where human nerves connect. Providence, Rhode Island, is thought to be one such place. Providence is home of the first Baptist Church, the first Unitarian Church, the first Congregational Church, the first US installation of the Vedanta Society. It was also a major world center for Maharishi's Transcendental Mediation organization. And thirty miles away in Newport the first synagogue was founded in the US. It was once home of Edgar Allen Poe, and was where HP Lovecraft created all his horror. So where better to set a novel that deals with what's beyond the ordinary?

Introducing Evil's minion: Karen Vaughn

One of the divisive issues I explore in my novels is the tension between paranormal and psychological explanations for the inexplicable, and how that tension can drive human behavior to extremes.

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