Authorpreneur Dashboard – Melissa Bixby

Melissa  Bixby

Loose Tooth Trouble

Children's Books

Bobby has a loose tooth, and every time he wiggles it, it hurts. Journey through this imaginative character’s day, as he receives some hilarious, outrageous, and comical suggestions, on how to remove his tooth, and end his loose tooth trouble! This quirky, fun story, coupled with creative and hilarious illustrations, tackles a universal dilemma that all children are faced with during their childhood, and guides the reader to appreciate that sometimes the simplest solution is the best one.

Book Bubbles from Loose Tooth Trouble

Amazing the Creative Ideas Kids Come up With

This one was at the top of Bobby's list of ways to get his loose tooth out!

What parent hasn't heard these words before?

My first instinct was to say, "Then don't wiggle it." Instead this conversation between us emerged that turned into a hilarious, engaging story, that every kid can relate to, and enjoy!

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