Authorpreneur Dashboard – Grace Paul

Grace  Paul
This Is a Test

This Is a Test

Literature & Fiction

Essays and poems

Rough-Cut Book Bubbles from This Is a Test

Creativity: wild, tame, or something else?

I use an app to practice new habits and routines - mostly to help my ADD brain remember my priorities and stay organized. The app also suggests new habits based on my activity, and this week it suggested "Unleash Your Creativity." This morning when the reminder popped up in my phone, the phrase struck me as odd: "Unleash your creativity"? Why does it need to be unleashed? Where does the phrase come from? (Still haven't found the origin - if anyone knows, please share!) And what does its ubiquity -- in our culture, do we do anything but "unleash" creativity? -- say about us?

When Boundaries Disappear

Of all the changes that we've endured during the Covid era, the dissolution of boundaries has maybe had the most insidious effect. Sure, we feel the obvious change of working at home, having to home-school kids, and not getting to see friends as often. We joke about time now being meaningless, but as isolation causes boundaries to crumble and online interactions just never feel quite real, the mind starts to go to pieces, too. Tasks and time smoosh together, tangible items seem to vanish into cyberspace, and the threads that keep life stitched together -- stopping to chat with a neighbor, smiling at the cashier at the grocery checkout, those little moments with loved ones that arise from everyone having experiences out in the world -- start to come undone.

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