Authorpreneur Dashboard – Maya Tripathi

Maya  Tripathi


Science Fiction & Fantasy

Frightened by the sudden changes within the country, Natalie Matthews decides to become a part of the governing system to change it from within. Alongside Sean Davis, she soon finds herself caught between the watchful eyes of the world and the lingering secrets of the person she loves the most.

Book Bubbles from Fallacies

Romance Unveiled

I love this scene so much because it demonstrates just how strong of a connection Sean and Natalie have developed right from the start. It's an integral part to the story, as this connection is what they rely on to stay together through the odds. It's also a play on genres, as the book teeter-totters between the young adult and new-adult categories. This scene is just that. It could have progressed to include adult content, but the characters weren't ready for that and neither was the story. It's soon that our protagonist turns 18 and discovers a very different world. So, we've got a little ways to go to the new-adult genre.

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