Authorpreneur Dashboard – Madelein Gaiyan Schoombee

Madelein Gaiyan Schoombee

ARACH Whispering Souls

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Raphael and his gang of otherworldly beings continue on their epic road trip to share their music with the world. Their trip takes unwanted turns as they meet up with supernatural dangers taking them to death's door. Surprising new friends cross their path as they venture into the other realms, seeking the evilness that they need to destroy before it ends earth as we know it, and we the human race become their only food source. The same evilness who is sucking all beauty, light and love from our precious mother earth. Can all beings, humans and those from the unseen worlds, stand together to fight this darkness devouring us? Do they want to ?

Book Bubbles from ARACH Whispering Souls


Dwarfs actually can have deep thoughts !

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