Authorpreneur Dashboard – Madeleine McLaughlin

Madeleine  McLaughlin

Mountain City Bronzes

Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

Kevin is ten. He has so much curiosity about a locked door in his town's small jail that he pesters his father, the jailer, until he finally tells him the story of The Mountain City Bronzes.

Book Bubbles from Mountain City Bronzes

Children Can Play And Learn Anywhere

No matter what environment a child finds himself in, he has the ability to have fun with it. His play is the way he learns, even if he doesn't know it at the time.

Beggar Charlie


One year after Beggar Charlie's mother has died, he finds himself on a Blackwall Frigate, heading to China. As he hates the sea, the captain gives him shore leave with another young man, Hickory Dick. A rebellion breaks out leaving them stranded in a foreign land they don't understand. They decide to make their way back to England anyway they can.

Book Bubbles from Beggar Charlie

Tragedy Was Worse In The Past

In the Victorian days, there were many cases of children being left as orphans and being press-ganged into naval service. But these people survived and made good in many cases.

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