Authorpreneur Dashboard – Laurie Y Elrod

Laurie Y Elrod

Blackridge - Book One of the So'ladiun

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Elhrin Caddoch, a sheltered young woman with rare magical abilities, didn't ask for the life that was forced on her after the day her mentor, Gryphon Idwyr, was killed by mysterious beasts on the banks of the Green River. She didn't ask for it, certainly didn't want it, but what was she supposed to do? The bizarre, yet real-feeling dreams of her late mentor had started and he kept insisting that she was the only one who could help stop an impending war planned by the dark god of Do'athra, Obsudius. At first she dismisses her dream, brushing aside the unrealistic thought that a god was actively trying to destroy her country and that she, a mere girl with amateur magical powers, was expected to fight against his evil designs. But then, when reports of a sudden appearance of an army outside the town of Blackridge followed by a second attack on her village from those same horrible beasts confirm the contents of her dream, she begins to waiver. Are her dreams real? Was her mentor truly talking to her from beyond the grave and she was going to have to face a destiny he says she must fulfill in order for her country to survive? Or could she ignore the dreams and let fate take its course?

Book Bubbles from Blackridge - Book One of the So'ladiun

The Day Everything Changed

Elhrin Caddoch led a relatively sheltered life in the small village of Glimmerdale until one fateful fall afternoon when her mentor and instructor of magic, Gryphon Idwyr, chose to take her and her younger brother to the river for a brief afternoon lesson. Little did they know as they stood on the sandy banks enjoying the day that destiny was hurtling at full speed towards them and that they would soon face a horrific event that would change all of their lives forever.

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