Authorpreneur Dashboard – LaTonya Jackson

LaTonya  Jackson

I Am Called

Children's Books

"I Am Called", follows the journey of a young girl, Petee Pioneer, who while being teased at school one day lost her confidence. Recalling a conversation with her Pop, Petee begins to remember who she is called and to whom she is called. Rhyming words are used to engage young readers in this journey with Petee on who they are in Christ and what they are called toward. At the conclusion of the text, an example faith confession that can be spoken aloud daily to reinforce the message and the child’s confidence in Christ is shared with the goal that parents will work with their children to write their daily faith confessions. We believe that, in whatever occasion a child finds herself, she will know what to say and how to respond as a result of her faith. Building the next generation, on purpose, with purpose!

Book Bubbles from I Am Called

Mean Words Impact Life

I have spent most of my life caring about what others thought or what they said about me. One day, I noticed my daughter, Sydni (co-author), telling me all of what her friends had said. I watched how it was beginning to impact her life. We had already begun confessing daily who she is in the image of Christ but now, a stronger push was needed. This is how we modified the beginning of the text to align with the experience in her life at the time.

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