Authorpreneur Dashboard – KO Daniels

KO  Daniels



When you desire something so much that you'd do anything for it, even bargain with the devil, that's when a human becomes a Lixel. Being led astray by the allure of the world, humans began wishing for things on a level that they weren't even aware of. And that's when the deal takes place. 17-year-old Caimden Waters is the exception. She was born a Silverhearted Lixel. Unlike the Blackhearts, the humans that made the exchange, she has the burden of living with the weight of this world on her shoulders. That comes with having an empathic ability and having her own emotions reflected in the changing color of her eyes. Exposed to the outside world for the first time on her own, Caimden finds herself being pursued by zealous Blackhearts who discover her secret. With the aid of the Argenta and a mysterious Archangel, she sets out to answer three vital questions: Why did her mother suddenly allow her to attend school after seventeen years? What is her connection to the Argenta, who are Silverhearts like herself? And most importantly Why does she exist?

Book Bubbles from being

An Arch Reunion

Lision gets an unsurprising visit from Thiere, who tries to persuade him, to no avail, to join the "winning" team in the collection of human souls.

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