Authorpreneur Dashboard – Kevin Everett FitzMaurice MS

Kevin Everett FitzMaurice MS

Garbage Rules


Garbage Rules could be about exposing some terrible rules. Garbage Rules could be about some rules for handling garbage. Garbage Rules could be about how garbage is in control of our lives. This book is about rules for understanding how garbage rules your life if you let it. If your mind is focused on garbage, then you will think garbage. If your soul is focused on garbage, then you will experience garbage. If your heart is focused on garbage, then you will feel garbage. In this book, you will discover hundreds of ways that you focus on garbage, and thus receive garbage. If you become aware of this pattern through variation and repetition, then you can learn to switch to more effective and fruitful patterns. Most of the Garbage Rules are restated in various ways. This is helpful for four reasons: (1) repetition aids both learning and memory; (2) sometimes you will miss a concept presented in several formats, but grasp it in another unique format; (3) you may be so lost in self-talk that you don’t notice a concept the first few times you encounter it; (4) you may finally understand a concept after multiple encounters with it. The Garbage Rules are organized into categories that server as chapters. There are 1,613 rules about garbage. Acceptance, assertiveness, attitude control, boundaries, charity, communication, compassion, contentment, coping, detachment, ego reduction, emotional responsibility, empathy, equality, forgiveness, happiness, humility, letting-go, motivation, parenting, peace, problem-solving, responsibility, right identity, self-control, self-reliance, serenity, surrender, understanding, universality.

Book Bubbles from Garbage Rules

Give What You Want to Get It

It is counterintuitive, but a rule of life that if you want something, then you should first give that to someone else. When you focus on what you don’t want, then you will share, spread, and send that out. That will, of course, get you more of what you don’t want. While it is not fun to recognize your self-defeating habits and styles, it can be productive if you will then choose to think, feel, and act against those self-defeating habits. This book will drill into your mind and heart the self-defeating nature of many common attitudes, habits, and styles of communicating. Once you face those ugly patterns in yourself, then you can choose to stop feeding them and begin to focus on building more productive patterns and habits. This book is a wakeup call to stop working against your own interests. Take the lessons in this book to heart and stop being your own worst enemy.

Self: Who Am I?

Christian Books & Bibles

This book is about the form, nature, and structure of the human self. The form, nature, and structure of being human is explored as a way for you to redirect to and re-own your true self. The states of being of your natural self are explored as a way to help you to retreat to and return to your true nature. The functions of self are explored as a way to help you to rediscover and reinforce your original self in action, awareness, and experience. This book provides you with knowledge and directions for rediscovering and being your natural self. You can discover and understand what real self is and what real self is not. You can discover how to focus on states of being that promote your authentic self. Read and re-read this book to discover how to recognize and redirect your awareness and identity to your natural child-self. Learn to encourage original self states of being rather than ego states of being. Become aware of how to avoid the blocks and habits that work against awareness of your real self. Know what environments and conditioning inhibit or deny your true self so that you can uproot, switch from, and replace them. Make the right space in your life for authentic self, and authentic self will be revealed for you and rediscovered by you. Self is not something that can be found, because self is not any thing. If you seek what is not lost, then it becomes lost.

Book Bubbles from Self: Who Am I?

Right Relation to God

The most important thing in life is having a right relationship with God. But how can you have a right relationship with God, if you have the wrong self? Don’t you first need to have your true self in order to have a true relationship? Don’t you have to be free of false selves in order to be honest in your relationship? Unfortunately, the world conditions and trains us to have false selves that are suited to success and profit in the world but not with God. You might assume that you are free of social conditioning, but if you have not worked to recognize, remove, and replace it, then you are merely using one of its defense mechanisms to maintain it. This book provides a complete understanding of the nature of self in relationship to God using scripture sources. See for yourself if understanding who you really are before God doesn’t facilitate a better relationship with God.


Professional & Technical

Don't feel a need for therapy? Don't have time for self-improvement programs? You can change your life by changing one thing now. Read "Not" to change your life by changing your relationship to no-ts. "Not" will give you twelve principles to improve the central-life-issue of how you deal with no-ts. Improving this one issue will positively impact every area of your life. If you want to improve your relationships, health, and happiness, then purchase and read "Not" today! Enjoy the ongoing benefits of improving your relationship to one constant-life-issue. "Not" can help with parenting, teaching, coaching, managing, relationships, addictions, codependency, relaxation, problem solving, emotions, anxiety, anger, depression, and stress coping among other issues. "Not" is your opportunity to change one thing to change your life and impact all those around you. Read "Not" today! REBT practitioners use this book to understand how to update and refine your practice of REBT for greater effectiveness and efficiency. For example, use this book to understand why you should be looking for "should nots" instead of "shoulds." Also, understand how it is "nots" that cause things to be viewed as terrible, horrible, and awful. Philosophers can understand "Not" as an exposition on the nature of evil. Ever wonder why you do the opposite of what you want to do? Ever wonder why others do the opposite of what you want them to do? Read "Not" for the definitive answer.

Book Bubbles from Not

Do Not Think About Air

It is helpful to know what to do and what not to do. It is not helpful to try and make something that exists in the past to not exist. It is not helpful to try to make something that exists in the present not to exist when you do not have the power and authority to do so. It is not helpful to try to make something not exist in the future before it even exists. Yet, we put ourselves into all of these impossible demands all the time simply because we do not understand the correct usage of no-ts. Demanding some problem not exist that does exist will cause you negative stress at least until you find the means to make it not exist. A saner approach is to work so that problem does not exist in the future. No-ts being correct or incorrect is not the main issue. The main issue is trying to use no-ts to control, change, or make something nonexistent. No-ts simply cannot do the work we demand of them. Learn the right use of no-ts to stop making problems for yourself, your family, and those you work with.

We're All Insane! Second Edition


Insanity is being out of touch with reality. Active insanity is clinging to illusions and delusions. Illusions are misperceptions, misconceptions, and mistakes about reality. Delusions are misperceptions, misconceptions, and mistakes about reality that we have evidence against but cling to anyway. Albert Ellis, voted the second most influential psychologist of all time by the American Psychological Association (APA), said of the first edition of We’re All Insane!, “I found it a most unusual book that makes some excellent points, almost all of which I go along with. It sort of brings Alfred Korzybski up-to-date and makes some points which [sic] are not particularly clear in his own writings.” This book helps you to understand how thought becomes a problem when thought replaces reality. You discover enough information and examples to be able to negate thought as reality, which enables you to re-experience “what is”. You can live sanely in an insane world. You just have to choose against the common illusions and delusions of your society and your conditioning. All the common illusions and delusions of the world are constructed through the misunderstanding and misuse of thought.

Book Bubbles from We're All Insane! Second Edition

Construct or Deconstruct?

Postmodernism, Constructivism, and other modern fashions are really based on Idealism. The idea that you can construct your self and your reality has been appealing to the ego since philosophy first began. What is not self-aggrandizing is Deconstructivism. When you deconstruct your ego, then you can rediscover your self. When you deconstruct your self-talk, then you can find mental health. When you deconstruct your social reality, then you can find that you share the same human nature with everyone. When you deconstruct your social conditioning, then you can learn to think for yourself as a citizen of the world. Constructing one edifice over another does not lead to truth but to illusion and delusion. It is only when you are completely deconstructed that reality reveals itself to you.

Carl Rogers, Control Freak

Professional & Technical

This book is about the work of Carl Rogers, not the life of Carl Rogers. The personal problems Carl Rogers had with alcohol and his marriage have nothing to do with his counseling method. This brief book focuses on the method of counseling that he invented. Carl Rogers gave the counseling world its most effective, efficient, and advanced method. Unfortunately, Rogers feared to face the true nature of his method and buried it under false philosophy and theory that diametrically opposed it. Rogers’ betrayal of his method has led to a corruption of his method, causing it to be diluted, at best, and in many cases lost. We must separate the theory of Carl Rogers from the method of Carl Rogers to resurrect and preserve his superior method. This book will help you discover the true nature of the method. But ultimately, you must work this out for yourself. You must again watch the videos of Rogers at work. You must again analyze his method. You must experiment and test until you are certain, from your own examination, what the nature of the method is. If you wish to debate Rogers’ theories, then you are missing the point: The Rogerian Method works wonders and needs to be salvaged and seen for what it is, separate from all theory and philosophy.

Book Bubbles from Carl Rogers, Control Freak

Who Is in Control in Counseling?

While it might appeal to our liberal values and conscience to believe that clients are in control in counseling, perhaps we should examine the process of counseling a little closer. Who is the interviewer and who is the interviewee? Doesn’t the interviewer have more power and control? Isn’t the person asking questions always in a higher status than the one answering their questions? Aren’t questions inherently directing and controlling? Who is the one getting paid and who is paying? Doesn’t the one receiving money to be with another person have a higher status and authority than the one paying for their time and company? Who is expected to reveal their innermost thoughts and feelings and who is allowed to keep their innermost thoughts and feelings private? Doesn’t the person who chooses limited self-disclosure have more power and control than the person expected to freely self-disclose? Facing the facts of the inequalities in the counseling relationship can be used to improve one’s perspective, concern, and consideration for the processes of counseling. Perhaps counselors are more like attorneys and doctors than we would like to admit. We serve from a position of power and control. The more we understand that, the more we can make sure we serve the best interests of our clients or customers.

How To Govern Anything

Politics & Social Sciences

Discover the first new major government system to be developed in centuries, a form of government that also functions as its own think tank. This book was many years in the making. Some lyrics in the song “Revolution” by the Beatles can be interpreted to mean that any revolution without a new plan is pointless. This interpretation challenged FitzMaurice to create a new and better plan for governments. The result he calls “Ocean Government”. The excuses end now. For the right method to use to cause a revolution, visit For the right method to use to rule after the revolution, use this book. Why fight to develop your own system to govern people, when you can save yourself the time and effort with a system that’s easy to implement and use? Learn the Ocean Government system, and learn how to govern anything in the best possible way. Ocean Government is advantageous for governing countries, corporations, colleges, communes, co-operatives, clubs, churches, temples, institutions, schools, and organizations of any kind. Ocean Government will work for Communist States, Democracies, Dictatorships, Monarchies, Noocracies, Oligarchies, Presidential Republics, Parliamentary Republics, Socialist Republics, Theocracies, or any form of government. There is every reason to switch to the Ocean Government system, and no reason not to give up antiquated systems of government. This book gives you all the tools and knowledge you need to institute the superior Ocean Government form of government today. The only financial cost to you is the cost of this book.

Book Bubbles from How To Govern Anything

Change Requires Change

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."--Buckminster Fuller There exists a history of moving from one form of government to another in an attempt to find a form of government that is fundamentally fair, just, and honest. The democracies of the world are now government by the corporation, of the corporation, and for the corporation. The corporations control, not the people. Hence, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Power and control now comes from financing politicians and paying lobbyists, not from the ballot box. This makes all current forms of government irrelevant. Here is a new system of government that promotes ethics and ideals without religion. It provides the first truly equal, fair, and useful form of government. It is better than democracy, socialism, and communism combined. This new form of government has unlimited potential to empower the poor, indigenous, and displaced peoples of the world. Finally, all people can thrive and live in peace.

The Secret of Maturity, Third Edition


This book describes maturity in understandable and practical terms. If you want to know what it means to be mature, this book is for you. If you want to know how to live a mature life, this book is for you. If you want to grow up or know what it means to grow up, this book is for you. With all our means of communication and education, how is it possible that many fundamental concepts and principles continue to remain a secret or a mystery to most people? What kind of educational system can call itself “education” and fail to discuss and explore fundamental human qualities like maturity? The research for this book uncovered a myriad of different ways of approaching the same basic answer for the secret of maturity: Maturity is responsibility. Most of the answers to “What is maturity?” come from either psychology or philosophy. The answers are listed or briefly described throughout the text, but it is your job to decide what to do with all the answers. So be responsible for how you assimilate the answers and put them into practice.

Book Bubbles from The Secret of Maturity, Third Edition

Emotional Responsibility, Not License

A common misunderstanding regarding emotional responsibility is that it gives you license to say or do whatever you want regardless of the feelings of others. This mistaken notion is based on the fact that you do not directly control how others respond to what you say or do. What it ignores is that you do have the power to influence and affect others. It is easier to be nice around nice people. Because people do influence and affect our moods and attitudes. It is easier to feel peaceful in a peaceful park. Because the environment does influence and affect our moods and attitudes. If you are emotionally responsible, then you have the inner strength to be emotionally considerate of others. So the opposite is true: Emotional responsibility promotes kindness, not meanness. The emotionally responsible can save themselves from hurt feelings and thereby be available to comfort and soothe those who are experiencing hurt feelings.

Stress for Success, Second Edition


Why see stress as your enemy when stress can be your best friend? Why fight stress when you can redirect stress to work for you? Why suffer from stress when you can succeed with stress? In this book, you will learn helpful ways to make stress work for and not against you. You will learn to recognize five different kinds of stress and seven solutions for stress. You will understand the difference between productive and destructive stress. You will be given tools to increase your productive stress and to lessen and even eliminate your destructive stress. For the sake of your happiness, health, resiliency, and prosperity, you will discover: • The advantages and disadvantages of stress. • The difference between helpful and hurtful stress (and how to easily tell which is which). • How to effectively cope with stress-provoking events. • How to easily use your attitude to lower your hurtful stress. • How stress arises, so you can choose whether or not to have stress. • Simple and advanced methods for dealing with stress productively. • Effective rules for living that make stress your friend instead of your enemy.

Book Bubbles from Stress for Success, Second Edition

Become Friends with Stress

It is unfortunate that stress is so widely misunderstood and misrepresented. Fortunately, it is also easy to understand the differences between good/helpful and bad/hurtful stress. Once you understand the differences, then you can encourage and promote more positive stress in your life while simultaneously discouraging negative stress. Having a clear picture of good stress, and the tools needed to increase it, will empower you to enjoy, produce, and provide more for yourself, family, and society. Stress is inescapable. Learn how to make stress serve you now.



Garden is your proven how-to guide for improving your mental health and peace of mind using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). You will discover how to use CBT principles to solve your emotional and behavioral problems in clear and simple terms that will serve you for the rest of your life. Discover how to cope and problem solve better now. Self-help results have never been as easy, practical, and effective. New proven methods give you the results you want for better health, happiness, success, and love in your life. Start today and discover how to be free to get what you want now. Counselors who practice Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can use Garden for guided self-help with their clients.

Book Bubbles from Garden

Your Mind Is Your Garden

It does not take a long life to realize that your mind affects you more than your experiences do. Eventually, everyone discovers that their own attitude is either their best friend or worst enemy. How to develop a positive outlook and frame of mind becomes the next challenge, but few find the time and teachings they need to run their own minds. “Garden” presents a simple and clear way to work on your mind and self while also providing efficient and effective tools to do so. Once you learn the system, it will stay with you for life and you can easily share it with others.



Mind-Move (M-M) is likely the easiest and fastest method you will ever find to help you to cope with stress, relax, sleep, meditate, strengthen your mind, improve concentration, let go of baggage, find internal balance, meet counseling goals, and meet your life goals in constructive ways. While some report taking only minutes to benefit from the exercise, others report taking only seconds. Turbocharge your current exercises and practices with M-M. You relax easier and faster. You meditate easier and deeper. You feel more balanced in your being. You feel more grounded in your being. You have more peace inside and outside. You have better concentration and more mindfulness. You practice more productive problem-solving and coping. You have more productive stress and less destructive stress. You have more productive emotional and relational attitudes. Turbocharge your current exercises and practices with M-M today.

Book Bubbles from Breathe

Is it possible to live centered?

The modern world is full of multiple and often conflicting demands. When we allow ourselves to multitask and run around putting out fires, we often wind up felling disconnected, splintered, and even fragmented. Since most of us are going to choose to continue to live in our ever hectic society, we need a way to easily re-center ourselves. We need something we can do that does not require special circumstances, postures, or clothing changes. We need something that works unobserved and in seconds. This is the promise of the M-M exercise. You can re-center in four seconds once you are proficient with M-M. Now you can choose to live in a state of coherence even while living in an otherwise crazy-making environment, because you have chosen to become experienced using M-M before you respond to too many demands.


Religion & Spirituality

This book is the first of its kind in the world. You will discover the real root of ego. You will learn how to apply Western psychology to remove ego now. Instead of spending twenty years meditating to drop ego, you can now uproot ego as fast as you are willing and able. The practices in this book work with any ancient practices you are now using or might use in the future. Get the freedom from ego you want now! This book provides you with a Seven Step Plan to overcome the biggest problem in adult life: your ego. You will discover how ego hampers your goals, health, and happiness. You will be motivated to live free of ego and to return to your original nature. You will realize how to recognize, remove, and replace ego. You will develop three plans to live sane in an insane world.

Book Bubbles from Ego

Problem Recognition

Many of us avoid recognizing our problems to our own peril. Even when we do admit a problem, we rarely accept it. Without facing our problems we cannot overcome them. Without recognizing and accepting the problem as it is, then we cannot proceed to the next step of removing the problem. Without removing a problem we cannot replace it with more functional, productive, and life-enhancing thoughts, feelings, and actions. Yes, it is painful to deal directly with your ego. Facing the negative or mean thoughts, feelings, and actions of your ego is not fun. How else can you get rid of the main problem in your relationships? How else can you get rid of the main block to your success, health, and happiness? You have two choices. Deal with the pain of a life run and controlled by your ego. Deal with the unpleasant task of uprooting your ego. If you make the smart choice, then this book can help you turn that choice into action.

Attitude Is All You Need!


“He is an independent thinker and I would advise you to read some of his books, particularly Attitude Is All You Need! It will help you control your anxiety and overcome other emotional problems”—Albert Ellis, Ph.D. The founder of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Albert Ellis, was voted the second-most influential psychologist of all time by the American Psychological Association (APA). Dr. Ellis devoted a chapter to Attitude Is All You Need! in his book How to Control Your Anxiety Before It Controls You. This book was originally published in 1997. At that time it was used for a training seminar for counselors and therapists. Some of the formatting and brevity of the original was the result of being designed around the use of presentation overheads. This 2011 version is a revised, updated, and expanded version of the original. The book sometimes addresses and talks to therapists and counselors, and at other times talks to the general public or potential clients. Please excuse this duality of audiences due to the origins of the work. To be concise, the book is about Attitude Power (AP). From reading it, you will discover how to increase your Attitude Power, and how to decrease your attitude weaknesses and deficiencies. Are you willing to learn rules for the management of your attitudes? Don’t you think the time and energy spent on improving your mental health is worth the benefits to your relationships and career?

Book Bubbles from Attitude Is All You Need!

How Do We Change?

What’s Change? 1. People are generally doing the best they can with the skills that they have. 2. People want to be empowered to do better and to solve their own problems. While some people are so discouraged they may even say that they do not want to do better, the truth is that they would if they still thought they could. 3. People can learn attitude, emotion, esteem, script, thinking, identity, and ego skills that will empower them to lead more productive, prosperous, and happy lives without continual psychotherapy. 4. People have a right to know what their counselor or therapist thinks they are doing. Unfortunately, far too many therapists now consider it acceptable to manipulate clients for their own sake by, for example, using interventions and techniques that the therapist never fully explains or discloses to their clients such as: strategic, systemic, experimental, popular, and paradoxical. 5. Psychotherapy can be more than just having a paid friend. Having a paid friend is also called relationship or supportive therapy. A counselor who just listens might call themselves psychodynamic or what they will, but they are not the friend of change. If a client really needs a friend--then be one--but quickly help them find out how to get friends and support for free like the rest of us.

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