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Kendall T Shoulders

Jesus (Yeshua) is a Worm… and a Snake too

Christian Books & Bibles

In Psalms 22, Jesus prophesied of himself through a worm 1000 years before he came. The Tola Worm would attach itself to a tree, give birth to its young, allow its young to eat of its body, and leave a third day sign. Jesus was attached to a tree, died giving spiritual birth his followers, and told his followers to eat of his body through the communion process. This worm shows up through out scripture confirming the deity and prophetic nature of Christ.

Book Bubbles from Jesus (Yeshua) is a Worm… and a Snake too

Jesus as a Worm

Most people are amazed at the comparison that Jesus made of himself to a worm. However, some people are offended by the comparison. Some have commented 'How can you call my Savior a worm?'. In reality, Jesus called Himself a worm. In order to fully follow Jesus, we must not only know the heights of his throne but must also familiarize ourselves with the depths of his shame and suffering. Paul sought to know Jesus in the power of his resurrection as well as the fellowship of his suffering. Jesus explained this principle to Peter when he removed his garments, wrapped himself in linen and washed the disciples feet. Jesus understood that if the disciples did not witness his humbleness, they would not be humble. How humble was he? He washed Judas' feet even though Christ knew Judas was the devil. In this excerpt with Job, his friend makes a statement about the condition of men and why we needed Jesus to become a 'worm' on our behalf. Let's remember to look at the whole work of Jesus to see the depths of God's love for us. When we see it for ourselves, we will do it for others.

The Ultimate Sacrifice

What's so amazing about scripture is that it's very nature is prophetic. In the Book of Revelation, the writer declares that the 'testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.' In other words, Jesus ALWAYS tells us through direct text as well as shadows and types exactly how he is going to carry out his plan. The plan is so detailed and strategic that it is mathematically impossible that one man could have fulfilled all of the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled. Jesus fulfills the obvious as well as obscure prophecies that are yet undiscovered. In the process he eliminates the possibility of any manipulation at all. The prophecies were written over thousands of years with various writers but with profound perfection in the original language. It is impossible to read the prophecies in this book and not be overwhelmed with prophecies fulfilled by Christ. What's even more amazing is that we have barely scratched the surface.

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